2024年英语小学作文2024 马上就要期末考试了,我们天天都是复习考试,复习考试,我眼睛都要花了。一些课程的复习单都发下来了,而且,要求每天都要带,不带就会很惨的。 我每天整理书包都注意看一课的单子带了没,那就是英语复习单。英语老师是我最怕的老师,她特严格,我们都很怕她,我也天天就她的话牢牢地记在心里。 有一天,早上我起晚了,一看时间不早了。于是,匆匆吃完早饭,背上书包,就急急忙忙地往学校跑。刚进教室就打铃了,我赶紧交完作业,拿出英语复习单读。可是,我翻遍了整个书包,就是没有看见英语复习单的影子。 我心里立刻慌了起来:啊?我的英语复习单呢?怎么?怎么忘带了?我想我今天完了! 同桌看着发呆的我,小声地问:“怎么呢?王如忻,你愣着干吗?”“我……我……我没有带……带英语复习单。”我吓得话也说不清楚了。 “啊?你没带?怎么办?我借你吧!” “谢谢!”我不情愿地回答。 同桌是位男生,总是拿我东西,虽然他非常讨厌,但是,如果能帮我,我就试试吧! 老师走进教室,看见我们俩只有一份复习单,就问:“你们谁没有带?” 我犹豫了一下,想站起来,可是,没等我回答,同桌已经站起来:“我没有带复习单。”他小声地回答。“你等下读复习单十遍,读给同桌听。”说着,她便开始上课。 我心里很疑惑,他为什么要帮我受罚?这节英语课我一点也没有听进去。 下课了,老师让他读给我听,读完后,我问他:“你为什么要帮我?” “因为,我们是朋友,朋友之间是需要帮助的,上回你帮我,让我考试得了一百分,这回我帮了你,我们成为好朋友吧!” “当然可以!”我开心地笑了。 从此以后,我们俩相互帮助,就因为这份英语复习单,让我体会到我们已经成了好朋友,我希望我们永远,永远都是好朋友,都是最忠诚的好朋友。 2024年英语小学作文2024 发件人:﹏~`箪╀飛oο[斌] I'm have a new pen pal.His name is John.He likes reading stories very much.He sometime read story to the cows.That' interning.He now live DongGuang.What are you hobbies?Can i tell me, please? 支付宝账号:15869730RRR 电话:18673354RRR QQ:1875366RRR 注:这是英语作文,六年级的。 2024年英语小学作文2024 This is my family's birther.What about you? 2024年英语小学作文2024 My name is xie Manqi.xie is family name and Manqi is given name.My English is Betsy. I'm cute girl. I'm ten years old. My QQ number is 1968284872. I have a big head,all eyes and wide mouth. Do you want to be my friend? 2024年英语小学作文2024 Like Christmas Eve to people of the west, for China, on the eve of the Spring Festival is also a meaningful night, happiness, and a New Year full of expectation in the future. With splendid fireworks lit up the sky, the festival overture starting. No matter how long and how difficult is that the Chinese nation trek on the eve of a long way back to the family reunion in a home.It has lasted For many years, is the Spring Festival gala on TV drama, the whole family to enjoy the delicious food and rich dinner, and watch the show together. For, each a terrible memory and unpleasant will stop in the evening, and bright here will start next year.Their wishes become cookies and faraway. In air For generation of colorful fireworks shinning gloss, the Spring Festival eve is considred as to the future, through a year of great summary, in the evening when everyone new began to open their mind. With the rapid increase of economy, people have little time with family.But on the eve of this, it might be a return, compensation, or for people who want to share with his or her family to enjoy.A relaxed conversation and joke around, on a cold winter night, the warm atmosphere of the room. 2024年英语小学作文2024 In the New Year's eve, our family reunion, eat dinner, this is our common custom of New Year's eve shou sui.There are historical records, the custom as early as in the northern and southern dynasties, later becoming popular, to the early tang dynasty, emperor taizong account with "shou sui" poem: "cold as winter snow, warm into the spring breeze."Until today, people in our country are still used in the New Year's eve shou sui, outside the sound of firecrackers, indoor sitting around watching TV, the family howls of laughter. It is said that the earliest rice cakes for the offerings of god, of the eve of the old dynasty was used for ancestors, later to become Spring Festival food. 2024年英语小学作文2024 I always wake up very late in the morning, but today, my friend asks me to take exercise with her, so I have to get up early. I find that the street is so quiet and a lot of old people are walking or dancing. Some cleaners who wear the orange uniform catch my eyes, they clean the street and decorate the trees. Thanks to them, our city look beautiful. 早上我总是起床很晚,但是今天,我的朋友让我和她锻炼,所以我得早起。我发现街道很安静,很多老人都走路或跳舞。一些清洁工穿橙色制服吸引了我的目光,他们打扫街道,装饰树。多亏了他们,我们的城市看起来才那么漂亮。 2024年英语小学作文2024 学校通过组织一个圣诞节英语派对,丰富同学们的课余生活,培养学生的学习兴趣和热情,增加小朋友们对于英语的兴趣,让所有小朋友都能广泛参与。英语圣诞晚会,还能激发学生在我们学校学习英语,帮助学生提高综合素质评价,在同一时间,提高学生学习英语的能力,为以后学习和竞争中取得良好的优势。 今天中午吃完饭后,妈妈送我来到了我们英语学校举行的年度圣诞节晚会。 大约13:30的时候,我们的晚会正式开始了,我们大家都非常高兴。首先,我们观看了精彩的节目:有打架子鼓的,有弹吉他的,有跳拉丁舞的,还有打双节棍的,等等等等,真是精彩绝伦,赏心悦目啊! 看完精彩的节目之后,我们进行了三等奖的抽签活动之中。悲哀,我不是那30个当中幸运儿的其一,但是老师说,还有一等奖和二等奖。 我们休息了片刻,看了看同学变得小戏法之后,我们打二等奖抽签活动又开始了。果然,好心不负有心人,我是10名二等奖中的得主,获得了一个毛绒玩具。这时的我正在想,那丰富多彩的一等奖又会花落谁家呢? 接下来,我被邀请上台做了游戏。这个游戏的名字叫做家长互换。游戏规则:10位孩子站在舞台上,后面是自己的家长。然后,我们10位孩子蒙上眼睛,家长互相移动。1分钟之后,必须找到自己的家长。幸好妈妈有明显的标志物,手里拿着手机。 所有活动结束后,我们每个人都领了学习大礼包。里面有各种各样的学习文具,我们都异常的欢喜。 祝大家圣诞节节日快乐! 2024年英语小学作文2024 I like sports, because doing sports is really a good thing. Firstly, it helps me keep healthy. Exercise is one of the most active and effective means to enhance the physical health. Secondly, doing sports is a good way to relax. When you are upset, sport may pull you out from depression. Finally, it’s easier to make friends while take part in sport activities, because you have the same interest. It’s important for making friends. All in all, I get a lot from sports. 我喜欢体育运动,因为参加体育运动是一件很好的事情。首先,它能帮助我保持健康。体育锻炼是增强体质的最积极、有效的手段之一。其次,锻炼是一种很好的发送方式。当你烦恼的时候,运动能把你从失落里拯救出来。最后,在体育运动中更容易交到朋友,因为你们有共同的兴趣爱好,这对交友来说是很重要的。总的来说,通过体育运动,我得到了许多。 2024年英语小学作文2024 I have a lot of troubles, such as going to school, homework, and parents’ ramble. They like the stars in the sky. I am afraid of the darkness. This is my biggest trouble. At night, I am fear of going out alone. And when my parents sleep, I even can’t go to the toilet. Therefore, I never drink water before sleep. And I always turn on the light when I am sleeping. I know it’s not good but I can’t sleep in the darkness. 我有很多的烦恼,比如上学,作业,爸妈的念叨,它们就像天上的星星一样。但我的烦恼是怕黑。晚上,我不敢独自一个人出门。爸爸妈妈睡觉之后,我不敢上厕所,所以睡前我从来不喝水。睡觉的时候,我也总是开着灯。我知道这不好,但是我不能在黑暗里睡觉。 2024年英语小学作文2024 亲爱的邓老师: 您好! 最近工作愉快吗?我很想您,我最喜欢英语了。自从您开始教英语时,我的成绩从来都是90分以上。有一次,我考了97分,您奖给了我一个本,当您说;“李佳仪,这次考的不错!”时,我非常高兴,我一定要继续努力! 邓老师,我最不喜欢星期三。因为,那天没有英语课。还有一次,您让我们给们您写纸条,……第二节下课你叫我到你办公室,抱着我笑着说:“这里的作业确实很好,我什么时候对你不理睬了?”我嘻嘻的笑了两声。您经常跟我拉手,您的手多么光滑,多么柔软。老师,您在我心中是最好的老师,我最喜欢您了! 祝您越来越年轻,越来越漂亮。 您的学生:李佳仪 20xx年 5月29日